Friday, October 7, 2011

My Thai

Since I didn't get to my Wednesday's introduction this week, I debated on whether to make this a two part post and put my introduction in here also or not. I decided to hold off till next week, then I would be keeping some order...maybe.

I have a young lady in Thailand who turns 9 years old in 11 days. I've been corresponding with her for quite a while, and from the begining for some reason I had decided to ask her to help me learn to write her name in Thai. So on the back of just about every letter her name and maybe a little more like her class would be written in Thai, and it would say in English (her name). If any of you haven't seen Thai handwriting, let me tell you, it amazes me that these children learn to write it!

This was written by the help of her tutor, last year. Every time I get a letter from Thailand, I am amazed by the intricacy of their handwriting. So here are a few examples of how she wrote her name on her drawings to show me how to write it!


That was from one of her first few letters.

Then she started to add her last name.

And then also her grade! Sorry for the scan quality of that last one.

So I practiced and practiced and practiced her name till I thought it looked decent and could possibly be recognized, and then drew some sort of simple picture (I am no artist), and wrote out her first name on the back like she has done for me so many times. I didn't think to take a picture. She wrote back that I had written her name correctly and that my handwriting was beautiful. I thought wow, that's neat, I actually didn't mess up any of those intricate little lines. So then she had written how to write Jesus in Thai, and when the translator was typing out the translation, they typed it in Thai too!

So in my reply, I'm going to again attempt to write in Thai. But since her birthday was coming up, I practiced again to address her on the envelope and inside the card with her name in Thai. The outside of the envelope I wrote her full name, and it is much more complicated, than just her first name. But I was a little proud of how it turned out (not to brag, but I'm excited to see how she likes it!). And here it is:

And to top off my impressedness (I think I just made that word up) both of the last 2 letters I've received from the 8 year old were both written by her, and no longer her tutor! Go Duangdao! I also found out that my bible app on my phone (YouVersion) has a couple Thai translations too! So I may, if I feel brave, attempt a verse at some point in the future. But we'll see.

Have you tried to writing to any of your Compassion International kids in their own language? Or attempted to learn it? I'd love if you would share!
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