Thursday, February 2, 2012

Meet My Child-Arsang

This week I'd like to introduce you to the youngest of my Compassion kids; four year old Arsang from Thailand.

I've been corresponding with this adorable little one for about a year.

I do have to admit, the day I saw Arsang on my account I was slightly disappointed. Not because of his cutness, but his photo was in place of my 18 year old Thai boy, whom I had grown to dearly love. I also have truely grown to love corresponding with teenagers, and Arsang was a bit of a shock.

I do have to say I have grow to love this lively little boy as his tutor refers to him. I do know this little guy's favorite color is red, and he was very excited last Christmas that the envelope to his Christmas card was red. So for his birthday i picked out an Elmo card, also with a red envelope.

I haven't received too any letters from this little guy, but I have noticed a change in this trend, and I am enjoying it.

He has a younger brother, who he enjoys helping his mom care for. And he recently started school. His tutor describes him as an obedient and lively little boy. His photo is due to update this year, and I hope to see a bit more of his liveliness in his new photo.

His artwork is improving and he draws some cute little characters, though I'm not exactly sure if they are people or what.

I look forward to many more years with this little guy, and the ablitity of knowing him for a good portion of his life.
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