For those who don't know, I work in a Christian daycare and preschool
center. We are one of the smallest in town, having only one toddler room
(ages 1-3) with up to 12 kids (child provider ratio in our state for
that age is 7 to 1. And we typically only have 10 with 2 teachers
downstairs.) and one preschool room with up to 10 kids (sometimes we
have 11, but the require ration for ages 3 plus is 10 to 1, so it
doesn't make much sense to have 1 extra teacher for the 1 kid). Sorry if
that looks like an awful run on sentence.
So my hours have
changed slightly and I get some more mornings back. Along with working
mostly in the toddler room, Monday I was able to spend some more time in
the preschool room. Some of which was at nap time. We have a couple
half day kindergarteners along with the 3-4 year olds, and one didn't
nap, so we sat quietly coming up with funny sentences. Quit a few of the
names were class mates, which did add to the humor. Though I'd share
today, hope you get a few good laughs :)
Izzy iguana ignores ice cream in itsy bowls.
David dog digs ditches during dark days.
Alondra ant accidentally acts like she's an apple.
Heather horse hops high hiding from Hilda hippo.
Khamryn kangaroo kicks kites.
Owen octopus offers orange onions during October.
Mason monkey makes mean muffins with milk.
PJ pig picks pink pears for Patrick's party.
Tyson tiger takes turns tapping toys.
Jonathan jaguar jets past jumping jack Joey.
Shalomi snake sneaks slowly sideways on Saturday.
Emma elephant elegantly erases everything Even wrote.